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Chapter 6 addresses the imperative role of manufacturing management and key considerations in factory operations
Models: Prescriptive and Descriptive
Prescriptive(규범적) models aim to replicate reality, Descriptive (서술적) models stem from mathematical assumptions and aid in decision-making
데이터 분석에서 사용되는 Prescriptive, Descriptive와 비슷한 맥락이라 생각되므로 이를 추가로 설명한다.
데이터 분석은 결과에 따라 4가지로 구분할 수 있고, 다음 단계로 갈수록 고도화된 분석이다.
1. Descriptive Analytics: 과거나 현재에 어떤 일이 발생했는지를 분석한다.
2. Diagnostic Analytics: 과거나 현재에 발생한 사건의 원인을 분석한다.
3. Predictive Analytics:미래에 발생할 일을 예측 분석한다.
4. Prescriptive Analytics: 예측을 넘어 어떻게 할지를 처방 분석한다.
To establish a fully functional Smart Factory, it is imperative to implement Prescriptive Analytics.
Strategic Positioning
A company encompasses diverse sub-objective, including Price, Time, Quality, and Variety. However, these sub-objectives may occasionally clash. For instance, aiming to decrease lead time might result in an increase in price. Consequently, it is crucial to strategically position these objectives, aligning them with the industry's characteristics and the company's values. When formulating policies, it becomes essential to recognize the trade-off relationships among efficient policy and make decisions that suits your purpose.
A Methodology for Improvement
Here are four steps to improving operations.
1. Where are we compared to the efficient frontier and how far off are we?
2. What can be done to put us back on the efficient frontier? What can be done to improve the frontier curve?
3. Change the system (e.g., controls, buffers, variability reduction) to put us on the (improved) efficient frontier.
4. Implement management systems to stay on the frontier
1. Manufacturing management needs a science.
2. A scientific approach is a valuable manufacturing management tool.
3. Good descriptive models lead to good prescriptive models.
4. Models are a necessary, but not complete, part of a manufacturing manager’s skill set.
5. Cost accounting typically provides poor models of manufacturing operations.
6. A coherent and unified methodology for improvement must be employed.
참고 문헌
[1] Hopp, W. J., & Spearman, M. L. (2011). Factory physics. Waveland Press.
[2] LG CNS. 무엇을 해야 할지도 알려주는 처방분석의 세계. https://www.lgcns.com/blog/cns-tech/ai-data/16537/
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